8 Reasons Why Your Sexual Intercourse Can Be Painful

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Being intimate with the person you love is not only mechanical sex.

Passion, lust, emotions make it an experience that should be uninterrupted. Yet often we feel pain during the sexual act. If you are in this situation, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

There are even studies (like the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour) that follow these cases and claims that 30% of the women felt pain during the last intercourse.

But this doesn’t make it OK or something that should be ignored.

This is why we’ve created the article you are reading now. I’ve compiled the 8 reasons why you might feel pain so you can investigate this further for yourself.


I’ve consulted WebMD for this one. According to them, this happens when the vaginal muscles get spasmed during intercourse. This is actually a contraction of the walls of your vagina and cann be triggered also when you are using a tampon. In any case, it can get pretty damn painful and you need to consult with your doctor to make sure if this is the case with you.

No foreplay

Although this sounds like a name for a musical band or maybe like a slogan for a commercial, it is a serious cause for having painful sexual intercourse. As you are fully aware us ladies need proper psychological (and physical) stimuli to turn our sensual switches ON. This means that you are giving the time and the triggers your body needs to properly prepare and enable “friction free” experience. You need to educate your man about these criteria and make sure that he understands that this is a MUST for you.

Infections (Vaginal)

This situation is not a joke. So please consult your doctor and do the lab tests so you can be sure if this is the case with the pain you are feeling. The infections that I would like to mention here are the vaginal yeast infection (monilia) and the trichomoniasis. If you have a tingling sensation or you feel like itching then it is definitely an irritation and maybe an infection that needs to be treated. Don’t wait. Call your doctor.

Condition: Endometriosis

Ok, I needed to consult with mayoclinic.org for this one. According to them, this condition is happening when “the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus”. Apparently, this disorder involves your ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue lining your pelvis. This is a different kind of pain and seeing a doctor immediately is a must.

Vulvodynia syndrome

This was discovered and named pretty recently. I’ve checked with WebMD and learned that this is chronic vulvar pain. The cause for this one is still unknown. WebMD notes that a lot of medical researchers are working on this subject in order to find the right answers. When I say the right answers I don’t mean only about what is causing it but also how to treat it.

The “Tight Squeeze” situation

Researching about this article I’ve noticed that Healthline.com named the following situation as a ‘tight squeeze’. The name depicting the situation where the size and the shape of the partners are causing the pain. This is something that needs to be worked on since this is not a medical condition and the partners need to figure it out. Using lubricants and having long foreplay can significantly help. Changing positions and really being in sync with your partner (as much as you can) should also help. Just be open, honest and proactive about it.

Suffering from stress and/or anxiety

According to alternate.org, when you are stressed your body and your muscles tend to clench. It is an instinct. And you guessed it right, this influences your love life and definitely your sexual activities too. This is psychologically induced behavior of our body and you need to treat your mind in order to resolve it. Don’t rush things out. It is serious and needs to be handled wih care. This is why you need to openly ask for support from your partner and also ask for help from a doctor or a certified psychologist.

Lack of vaginal lubrication

This is pretty common right. As a matter of fact, you can test if this is the situation immediately. Next time you are having intercourse, have the lube ready and use it when you feel the pain. You can even make it part of the whole game. If it eases the pain then, you know the answer. Even digital publication like WebMD is recommending it.


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